Vision Mission Values
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Vision, ​Mission and Values


Global leadership and innovative financial sustainability.


Achieve financial sustainability to proactively support the leading position of the Emirate of Dubai through the fair and efficient distribution of the Emirate's resources by utilizing the best smart and innovative financial systems and practices in a manner that ensures the achievement of happiness and quality of life for the society.

Corporate Values

  1. Transparency in achieving a fair budget through prudent and sustainable fiscal policies.
  2. Integration in government financial systems management and budget execution.

  3. Empowerment of wise investment in resources.

  4. Innovation in business development and enhancing the competitiveness of the financial and economic performance of the Government of Dubai.

  5. Agility and ability to effectively adapt to rapid developments to ensure the financial sustainability of the Government of Dubai.

  6. Leadership through teamwork and rational management.

Strategic Goals

  1. Elevate the public finance management mechanisms through developing an innovative financial systems, policies and legislations.

  2. Govern the public budget and financial risks to support the financial and economic growth.

  3. Manage accounts, revenues and cash flows to enhance financial sustainability and support decision-making.

  4. Diversify the sustainability of funding sources and develop innovative strategic partnerships for an empowered and resilient government.

  5. Enhance the financial digital enablement to increase the stakeholder's happiness and support businesses.

  6. Provide innovative support services according to the best international standards and institutional agility.